Batter up!

What do you do if you get so many new players to the league that there are still a number left over when your teams are already full? In the words of Bender: You start your own league (Blackjack is optional).

All of the great work being done getting new players into the sport in Glasgow and weekend training bringing them up to a standard meant that we had a surplus of players and no games to go to. Enter the Tollcross Tenderfoot League! Hosted at Tollcross Baseball Fields and running on Monday nights, three teams will battle it out for supremacy or, failing that, bragging rights in the pub. The Meatballs, Trofast and Wetsocks are made up of entirely new players or players who haven’t thrown a ball in years. Supported by a cast of thousands (or, well, willing players currently in the league) who provide coaching both on and off the field, as well as pitching (as it’s a hitting game, after all), the first game of the season was held tonight and enjoyed by everyone.

Trofast were at the Wetsocks and out scored them 21 – 11. The Wetsocks closed the gap in the 7th inning but it was too little too late. MVPs for the game were Katie R and Callum for Trofast and Rachel and Ben for the Wetsocks.

The TTF League will be a safe place for new umpires to work on their skills, new pitchers to get game experience, and seasoned players to try new positions they never get to play – with a focus on encouraging the newer player to have fun and enjoy the game!

Next week, the Wetsocks take on the Meatballs come down and watch or help out. If you would like to take part, then please checkout our Facebook group, send a message, and someone will take care of you there.